MKS Advogados


Foreign Investment

Complete assistance to foreign investors who wish to do business in Brazil. From the arrangements before the Brazilian regulatory agencies to enable the entry of funds, through the design of the legal structure of the capital to be invested, to the effective implementation of this design, including

 – elaboration of a memorandum about the step-by-step for the implementation of the investment in Brazil, regarding corporate, contracts, labor, tax, regulatory and immigration aspects, according to the client’s needs;

– obtaining the CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry) or CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registry) at the Internal Revenue Service;

– obtaining the permanent visa: National Migratory Registration Card (CRNM – formerly RNE), and registration of the foreigner before the Brazilian authorities;

– all the steps to comply with the rules and regulations about foreign exchange before the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), for loan and capital contribution operations;

– the opening of the Brazilian company, registration with the competent authorities; and

– estate planning to seek the best management and tax efficiency.