With over 21 years of experience and a multidisciplinary approach, the firm offers comprehensive legal counsel, addressing not only legal issues but also the financial, commercial, and operational needs of its clients.
At MKS LAW, practices are continuously refined to deliver high-quality service, strict compliance adherence, and unwavering professional ethics. The firm’s goal is to build lasting relationships based on trust and transparency, guiding clients through complex negotiations.
Diploma Equivalency of French Law in
Brazilian Law, School of Law,
University of São Paulo (USP), São
Paulo, 2010.
Graduated in International Private
Law from the Hague Academy of
International Law, The Hague, 2008.
Postgraduate (Master II Professionnel)
in International Business Law from the
Institute of Business Law, AixMarseille University III, Aix-enProvence, 2005.
Graduated in Law from the Faculty of
Law, University of Lille II, Lille, France,
Languages: Portuguese, English,
French, Spanish.
Postgraduate (LL.M.) in International
Business Law from the Faculty of
Law, University of Paris II, PanthéonAssas, Paris, France, 2009.
Postgraduate in International Trade
Law by the Istituto Universitario di
Studi Europei / International
Training Centre of the ILO – United
Nations, Turin, 2007.
Graduated in Law from the Law
School of the Armando Alvares
Penteado Foundation – FAAP, São
Paulo, 2006.
Languages: Portuguese, English,
French, Spanish.
Assessoria para estruturação e implementação de operações de mercado de capitais…
Representação de credores, investidores ou devedores em renegociações bilaterais ou multilaterais de dívidas fora da supervisão do Poder Judiciário…
Negociação de contratos comerciais, com ênfase em operações internacionais e de agronegócio…
Além da prestação de serviços jurídicos propriamente ditos, as sócias do MKSLaw perceberam que o acesso às fontes alternativas de crédito era restrito às grandes empresas do mercado…
Implantação de Programa de Conformidade Legal ESG; Elaboração de Código de Conduta; entre outros…
Attorney, Specialized in Trade
Finance Transactions
• Postgraduate (LL.M) in
Transnational Legal Studies, Saint
John’s University, New York,
United States.
• Master’s Degree in International
and European Law, specializing in
International Trade and
Investment Law, Lyon, France.
• Bachelor of Arts in Political
Science and International
Relations, specializing in Latin
America, Sciences Po Lyon, Lyon,
Attorney, Specialized in International
Business Law
• Postgraduate in Business Law, Getúlio
Vargas Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil.
• Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Mackenzie
Presbyterian University, São Paulo,
• Certificate III in Business, ILSC
Education Group, Sydney, Australia
Attorney, Correspondent, Switzerland
•Specialization in International and
Contractual Law, University of
Davis, California, United States.
• Master’s Degree in European
Studies, University of Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany.
• Bachelor of Arts and Law from the
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio
Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto
Alegre, Brazil.
Custody and Document Manager
• Course in Information and
Documentation Management, ENAP,
São Paulo, Brazil.
• Bachelor of Human Resources
Management, FMU, São Paulo,
Project Manager, France
• Professor of Management,
University of Lille 2, Lille, France
• Master’s Degree in Management,
University of Lille 2, Lille, France
Administrative Manager
• Bachelor of Business Administration,
Anhembi Morumbi University, São
Paulo, Brazil.